I’m ready for action now!

Four simple steps in the forming a Retreat 1, the first of 6 retreats and the beginning of individual and social transformation.

Our objective is to have the definitive and concrete experience of immortality within a year and helping to create a non-violent and warm human world within 5 years:

The process of forming the first retreat is very straightforward, short and simple:

Week 1:

The process starts with someone who has been informed about it and has decided to make that happen in his or her environment. Someone who is at that point in their lives in which they seriously would like to be free, fearless and, yes, immortal. At the same time wanting a better, more just world where people are truly happy and human.

They then find 2 people who think more or less along the same lines and they explain to them that they want to start this process. The first step is to put together a seminar with 100 people and that occurs through personal contacts and by each new person bringing 2 people with them to the following meeting.

In every meeting there is a time for reading from the first book in the series, Open Future, called „What really matters“ and to do some internal work. In addition there is time for some simple organizational matters , exchanging views on how it is working for people to explain to others what we are doing and how and why they come to our Process.

Week 2:

Now the number should be 9 assuming that each of the first three has brought 2 people with them (this is what we call the „Triplication“) and of course having explained to them the 6-retreat Process and our main objectives.

Here we start explaining why Direction in Life is so important for the individual and for society. As a matter of fact nothing changes essentially unless there is a change of Direction (see chapter 1 „ Getting started“, in the book „What really matters“)

The experience: Going further „inside“ (see chapter 5 „On to the Solution“), stand up, in pairs and say: „I feel the immortal in you and in me and it is the same“ (Being close to oneself when saying this and feeling the immortal in the other person.)

Organization: short exchange about invitations (The weekly meeting should never last more than 1 hour).

Week 3:

Now there should be 27 at this meeting:

Reading from book 1 chapter 6 „Is this really possible“ ?

Experience; Recapitulating the importance of the Direction which has 4 components, One that goes to the transcendental and another one that goes to others, to humanity, to the human. (The other 2 are experienced at the next meeting.)

So, in pairs and being close to ourselves we say to the other: „I feel the human in you and in me and it is the same.  Going „behind“ the eyes of the person in front and seeing yourself from their perspective and of course feeling what it is like being „them“.

The group is now big and will be more so the next time, so it is necessary to make sure that the space for holding the meeting will be adequate.

Here we also have to have a clear plan for where and when the retreat will be held.

Week 4:

Continuing with the triplication, the group is now 81. (May consider dividing the group in two.)

After some reading from book 1 we continue with the Direction, we experience the last 2 components. We stand in front of the other and say: „I feel this greatness inside you, this great being that wants to break loose of its chains and I am aware that I am saying this to you as you are aware that you are observing what you are feeling and that you are aware that you are looking at me. So, you have become a little more awake and yes, feel the power within.“

In this exercise as well as the others the participants exchange roles. We will now have 2 groups, each one 40 to begin with. With some numerical increases, retreat 1 occurs at the end of week 4. An experienced member of the Friends of Life will orient it.


Week 1; 3 members. Planning the Process, triplicating each week

Week 2; 9 members. Readings, internal work with the Direction, organization

Week 3; 27 members. Readings, internal work with the Direction, organization

Week 4; 81 members. Readings, internal work with the Direction, organization

End of week 4; Retreat 4 held with over 100 people. It is assumed that the costs of the retreat (rental of hall, refreshments, materials etc) will be covered by the participants. It is also requiered that each participant acquire the first book (cost is approx USD 10). There are no other costs, the orientor is there on his or her own, as a voluntary act. Each group that continues profundizicing the themes should have all the 3 books that are used in the retreat (the other 2 books being „Moving on“ and „…really?“).